The concept of the EIBA Early Career Network (EIBA-ECN) was presented to and supported by the EIBA Board in 2013-14. The first EIBA-ECN meeting was held at the 40th EIBA Annual Conference (Uppsala). The ECN vision is to firmly establish a forum and cooperative platform for young EIBA scholars. Having recently gained and developed scientific skills, specific expertise, and striving for high quality research, EIBA-ECN scholars are brought together to share ideas, build up networks with like-minded individuals, and discuss research projects – with a view to the possibilities of ongoing cooperation & collaboration.
To promote the idea, the EIBA Annual Conference regularly features a pre-conference EIBA Early Career Network Workshop on a specific theme of interest. At EIBA 2017 in Milan, in response to popular demand, the EIBA-ECN will again organize a Paper Development Workshop (PDW) with a focus on the publication projects of young EIBA scholars.
If you are interested in presenting your paper and receiving relevant feedback – or perhaps helping others to develop their research projects – please sign up for the 2017 EIBA-ECN-PDW by sending an e-mail by Friday, September 1st, 2017 to the event organizers at:
Download 3rd EIBA-ECN Workshop – Call for Papers & Participants